Thursday, April 17, 2008

Reeling in the Big One

Reeling in the Big One, originally uploaded by ajdury.

Pictures will be availabe soon. I'm uploading them to flickr and will link the photo album.

This little guy had his rod firmly planted in the dirt and was earnestly reeling in his catch. The bobbin was going crazy so he knew he had something.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Mark Your Calendars:

The next club meeting is
April 2nd
at El Nuevo on Prospect.

See you there!

Monday, March 24, 2008

38+ Lbs!

100_0610, originally uploaded by ajdury.

Limit of 5 bass, caught on 03/22/08, with a combined weight of just over 38 pounds!

1st Place winners of the W.O.N. Bass (Golden Valley Region) Tournament held at Lake Success this past Saturday.

(click on picture to see it full-sized)

2nd Place "Big Fish"

caught by Roger Haas (spelling?)

10+ pounds

Those fish are in Lake Success!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Kids Fishing Derby:

Please mark your calendars for

April 12, 2008


We will be co-hosting the

Annual Kids Spring Fishing Derby

at Murry Park Pond.

We need you to be there no later than 9am to help out.

There are fliers and donation solicitation letters available,

if you think you can possibly get some money

to help us buy the raffle prizes again this year.

Please contact Bishop Hilliard or April McLaughlin

to obtain them.

**A special Thank You to Sylvia from the Army Corp of Engineers

for her 'behind-the-scenes' hard work**

Sunday, March 16, 2008

March 16, 2008 Tournament Results:

1st Place Winner

Dave Davis

12.55 lbs

Sluggo Miller
2nd Place
4.21 lbs

Eric Arbello
3rd Place
3.72 lbs

Danny Moreno
4th Place
3.60 lbs

Jason Gill
(as held by Bob Purdin)
5th Place
2.75 lbs

Mark Abler
6th Place
2.59 lbs

Leo Abler
7th Place
2.57 lbs

Ray Lubbin
8th Place
2.45 lbs

Willy Tompkins
9th Place
2.22 lbs

(If I have your name misspelled, or something is incorrect,

please contact me at ajdury (at) yahoo (dot) com)

click here to see all the pictures

P.S. I have received pictures from some other people that I will get up on flickr in the next day or so.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

March 2008 Tournament:

Sunday, March 16, 2008 is the next club tournament.

See you at Lake Success on Sunday!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

February Tournament Tomorrow:

Good luck everyone,

and see you on the lake


Monday, February 11, 2008

Team Tournament Schedule:

2008 Team Tourney Schedule

April 27, 2008 - Kaweah

June 1, 2008 - Success

July 13, 2008 - Kaweah

August 17, 2008 - Success


September 27, 2008 - Kaweah
September 28, 2008 - Success

Please see Greg Elam and/or Jason Gill for additional information

February 06, 2008 - Club Meeting:

Club news of note:

Votes were taken, and the following actions go into effect immediately for future tournaments -

1 fish caught during a tournament - Winner takes all
2 fish caught during a tournament - Money split 60/40

0 fish caught during a tournament - everyone's names go in a hat and three names are randomly picked as 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.

Jackets with the club logo are available but orders must be a minimum of 6 at a time. Please let Sherry Miller or Jolene Tompkins know if you want one.

Ryan Clower and Robyn Skiles are starting up an t-shirt/trophy business and will be at the March meeting to pitch their products and prices.
It was decided that tournament winning dollar figures will not be posted on the blog. If you want to know who won how much, you'll have to ask someone or be at the tournament itself.

Trophies were presented to Randy Weldon for 1st Place and Big Fish from January's tournament.

Next tournament is February 17, 2008
Next meeting is March 05, 2008

Sunday, January 20, 2008

January 20, 2008 Tournament Results:

Congratulations Randy Weldon!

1st Place: Randy Weldon

1.90 lb Bass

(and 2nd place and 3rd place and 4th place and . . . )

One fish is all it takes to win a tournament.

Today, it was that fish.

Congratulations to Randy Weldon!!

Eric Arbelo won the "Wildcard" option

with a 3.26 lb Carp

(not a bass!)


Also, congratulations

- Randy Weldon & James Pettis -

the winning Dream Team


Honorable Mentions:

Bob Purdin: 2.98 lb Carp

Nathan Daniels: unweighed Carp

Click here to see all the pictures from today's tournament