New President: Bob Purdin
New Vice-President: Bishop Hilliard
Outgoing President: Gary Scott
Outgoing Vice-President: Tray Williams
Meeting items included:
The Team Tournament dates will be announced and available at February's meeting.
2008's annual membership dues . . . are due! They must be paid no later than January 20th.
At the start of the meeting, the club had $163 in the bank account.
2008's regular Tournament schedule was passed out (and is listed on the sidebar). All tournaments will be held at Lake Success unless otherwise noted.
Discussion was held regarding making the Team Tournament generate funds for the club. The 2007 Team Tournament did not add to the club's funds, and Bob wants the club to discuss and decide action that will give money back to the club. This item will be addressed at future monthly meetings.
The club gave out approximately $30,000 in pay-outs during the 2007 season!
Club by-laws were passed out and are availabe for anyone that would like a copy.
Calvin Foster, Area Manager with the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, was in attendance and discussed current and future activity for the lake and the dam. About two months ago, the Rocky Hill ramp (west wall) was extended another 55 feet, and the last 25 feet of the ramp has a yellow line painted down the center to use as a marker for determining how much of the ramp is left under water as the lake lowers.
The raffle at the end of the meeting generating another $350+ and membership dues paid tonight garnered another $400+, giving a much-needed boost to the bank balance.
The first tournament of the year is January 20th, with sign-ups at Porterville Lanes Bowling Alley and at Lake Success.
The next club meeting is February 6, 2008. See you there!!